""The Wesley Parrott Youth Programs, Incorporated is a premier youth-centered organization in which the pursuit of higher education is the expectation"

Youth Mentoring Program
The importance of mentoring our youth is at the forefront of the
efforts of the WPYP. The program sponsors the Invictus Mentoring
Program at a local public school with focus on three core values: character, performance and achievement. Young boys and girls are involved in tutoring, role playing, physical fitness and educational & recreational field trips.
Higher Education Seminars
In an effort to promote higher education, the WPYP sponsors a series of "Go to High School—Go to College" workshops at a local churches, community centers and Police the Police Athletic Leagues.
Guest speakers included admissions officials, experts in completing college applications, money management and financial aid officers from local colleges and universities.
Both parents and students were encouraged to participate.

Health Awareness Seminars
Teenagers are educated on several topics including proper hygiene, sexual awareness, healthy relationships, situational awareness and more during health awareness program seminar and workshops.
Healthly Man Free Men's Health Screening
The WPYP co-host a series of inter- generational activities including the annual "Healthy Man" Free Men’s Health Screening with doctors of several fields providing information on various topics to men, young and old.

Annual Scholarships
The Wesley Parrott Youth Programs provides annual scholarships to youth for graduating high school seniors and current college students. These grants are given to offer finacial support in adding youth complete their degree.
Scholarship recipients are recognized at the annual “A Mother’s Dream” Scholarship Gospel Brunch co-sponsored by the Zeta Zeta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incoporated and the Alpha Phi ALpha Senior Citizen Center. All proceeds from the annual brunch are put towards scholarships for students in the community. Over $15,000 has been awarded over the past two years.